
EqualiTech Part 2: Seminar on tech, diversity, and the Nordics 22.4.2021

EqualiTech is an online seminar inspired by the themes of diversity and inclusion in the technical fields, organized by VES and our partners. Our approach has a Nordic twist to it, so you will also hear speeches from our international partners.

Welcome to Part 2 -  a seminar aimed at professionals with an interest in tech and the importance of ensuring diversity in the field.

The event will include interesting speeches from a variety of experts with topics related to innovation, projects, and the topic of equality. Later the same day we are hosting multiple workshops you can also register for.

The event is held on the 22nd of April 2021 from 9.00-15.30

The event is live-streamed on YouTube here:


If you are interested, please pre-register to get the official calendar invite and to take part in a raffle for a 100€ gift card to Verkkokauppa.com!

Pre-registration here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=e1sVNw5LjEiz_uhMHRt_hSczi3ywGsFCqj_etEczaLtUMFExRVlUODQ0UVVaSjhaNU9VUldIQkZJOC4u

Schedule for 22.4.2021:

9.00 Welcome words from the organizerLiisa Ketolainen, National Council of Women of Finland

9.15 Thomas Blomqvist Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality

9.30 Saara Kujala, General Manager (Business Development) in Wärtsilä

9.50 Simo Säynevirta, Head of Digital Business Development at ABB

10.10 Sofia Elamson, Nordic Energy Research & NEEN Secretary

10.30 Zydrune Vitaite, Women Go Tech

BREAK 10 minutes

11.00 Tim Wallin, CEO of Gambit the Equality company of the year in Ostrobothnia

11:20 Taina Myöhänen – President of We in Games

11:40 Tomas Häyry- mayor of Vaasa

12.00 Closing Words by our Host Elina Hiltunen

13.00-15.30 Parallel workshops with pre-registration


WORKSHOPS 22.4.png

Developing an Inclusive Tech Ecosystem in the Nordic and Baltic Regions by Women Go Tech 

“Women go Tech” and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Lithuania are pleased to invite you to participate in a workshop that is a part of a project which aims to enlarge the Nordic-Baltic women in technology network and cooperation of organisations, individuals and companies working in the field of Tech in these regions. We are offering you the opportunity to participate in developing an actionable, long term agenda for change, discover common ground with your colleagues and build new relationships.


We kindly invite you to participate in a solution-oriented discussion that focuses on sharing the good practices applied in Finland as well as identifying the actions necessary to heighten the profile of women in technology across the Nordic and Baltic regions while addressing the barriers that interfere with their success. 

Policy makers, Universities, Schools, Organizations, Enterprises, Women-founded Start-ups or anyone interested in the topic — all parties are welcome to participate in this workshop to discuss the solutions and make a real difference in the region.

Please pre-register for the workshop here: https://forms.gle/trMQ8UYAsZyvhY1DA 

Note! There are limited amount of spots, so act fast. You will receive details based on your registration.


Energia-alalla tasa-arvo ei toteudu – mitä tehdään? 

– Westenergy, Energy Vaasa & VASEK

Energia-alalla sukupuolen mukainen segregaatio on selkeästi nähtävissä, sillä naisia alan työntekijöistä on vain noin 24 prosenttia. Tätä perinteisiin ja vahvasti stereotypioihin pohjaavaa jakautumista on hankala muuttaa. Tehtävää siis riittää ja siksi haluamme kutsua sinut mukaan kehittämään ideoita alamme tasa-arvon, inklusiivisuuden ja diversiteetin parantamiseen, jotta saamme kaikki mahdolliset osaajat työskentelemään puhtaan ja kestävän tulevaisuuden puolesta.


Tässä työpajassa kehitämme yhdessä konkreettisia tasa-arvoa parantavia toimia kaikkien käytettäväksi. Voit nostaa esiin myös organisaatiossanne käytössä olevia käytäntöjä ja haasteita yhdessä pohdittavaksi. Työpajan pohjustaa Energiateollisuus ry:n asiantuntija Maiju Korhonen puheenvuorolla, jossa hän avaa miten Energiateollisuus on sitoutunut kansainväliseen Equal by 30 -kampanjaan ja kertoo heidän tasa-arvotyöstään. Työpajan ohjaavat Westenergy ja Vaasanseudun kehitys Oy VASEK.


Tervetuloa ideoimaan!

Ilmoittautumaan pääset tämän linkin kautta: https://forms.office.com/r/fbKM0xx99m


Dear equality, why am I irritated? By Wanda O Rly a.k.a. Valtteri Lahti

Welcome to a solution-focused workshop to identify, accept and shake up the way we think about equality and prejudice

The atmosphere of the workplace and the realization of equality trace down to individuals and their attitudes. How can an employer make meaningful initiatives to drive equality without compromising the employees' right to privacy and their own opinions?

To come true, equality is a goal that everyone must make their own. However, the heavy politicization of the topic and the provocative Internet discussions can repel us and make the whole subject feel uninteresting.

There's a careful and prejudiced side to us all. It is very human and admitting it is important. In this workshop, we learn to recognize and deal with some of the personal difficulties we may have to pursue equality. We also learn principles and safe practices for engaging in and facilitating challenging discussions. The work communities in the technical field are often subject-centric. So it is natural that the social norms of the community may not be of particular interest to its members.

The goal of this workshop is to also equip participants with new tools for making fresh initiatives and shaking the old customs of their communities in a constructive way.

The workshop consists of a lecture and a discussion to which participants can engage both by speaking and answering multiple-choice polls.

The workshop will be run in English or Finnish depending on the participants. Pre-register now to secure your spot:https://bit.ly/32jXAD0

Wanda O Rly a.k.a. Valtteri Lahti is a game industry professional, performer, and educator with years of experience in team building, workplace culture development, and human diversity as a part of it. They work full-time as the COO of Psyon Games.



We are extremely grateful for our partners and the support from all participating organizations. This includes our speakers, workshop organizers, and sponsors listen below.

Thank you for enabling us to bring this event to life!

Partners in EqualiTech part 2:

Interreg Botnia-Atlantica, Österbottens förbund, Region Västerbotten, Region Västernorrland (the Future Cleantech Solutions project, More info below) ABB, Energy Vaasa, NEEN (the Nordic Energy Equality Network), Nordic Council Of Ministers, The National Council of Women of Finland, Merinova, University of Vaasa, VEBIC, Westenergy, Wärtsilä .

Future Cleantech Solutions is a project that promotes cleantech companies' opportunities for concrete business- and cooperation in a manner that strengthens their prospects of doing business on regional, national and international markets by enhancing the practical information on business and collaboration opportunities within the Kvarken region, developing a new model that supports concrete cross-border business partnerships, and supporting the development of new and existing cross-border clusters and gender equality in business life.

The project is being carried out 1.1.2019 - 31.12.202 and is financed by European Regional Development Fund: Interreg Botnia-Atlantica (60%), Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, Region Västerbotten, Region Västernorrland, Technology Center MERINOVA, KOSEK Kokkolanseudun Kehitys, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK, City of Kokkola, City of Vaasa, Municipality of Örnsköldsvik, Umeå Energi, Umeå municipality, Skellefteå municipality, Skellefteå Kraft, Skellefteå Science City