Harvest 2023
to Mar 15

Harvest 2023

Ostrobothnia’s biggest student seminar is back! Are you interested in hearing entrepreneurship success stories? Or are you in need of motivational words to your personal growth journey? If you answered yes, then this is one event you shouldn’t miss. This year we’ll have great speakers, intresting workshops and other fun activity.

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10:00 AM10:00


Harvest will be arranged the 6th time - in 1st of February 2022! The event is the biggest student seminar in Ostrobothnia. Harvest gathers together future-oriented companies, students from all the six universities and engaging keynote speakers. Harvest 2022 theme is “ BIG INNOVATION aka FUTURE”

The event will be held at Wasa Theatre. This year our keynote speakers include for example SOINTU BERG and PETER VESTERBACKA! The event is completely free.

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VES X Bocks Christmas Party
6:00 PM18:00

VES X Bocks Christmas Party

Pikkujoulut Vaasalaisen panimon antimia nauttien? VES:n pikkujoulut järjestetään tänä vuonna yhteistyössä Bock's Corner Breweryn kanssa. Luvassa on livemusiikkia, ruokaa, juomaa sekä puhetta yrittäjyydestä. 

Tapahtuma järjestetään torstaina 2.12 klo 18:00 alkaen. Saavuthan paikalle viimeistään 17:50. Tapahtuma paikkana toimii Bocksin ravintola osoitteessa Gerbyntie 16.  

Voit lunastaa lippusi 15.11 klo 12:00 alkaen. Linkki lipunmyyntiin julkaistaan Facebook tapahtumassa. Tapahtuman peruslipun hinta on 16€ (sis olutmaistelun) sekä halutessasi voit myös varata illaksi ruuan +10€. Vaihtoehdot ruualle ovat kanamozzarella pasta tai kasvispasta. Bocksin baari on auki opiskelijahinnoin koko illan ajan. 

Tapahtumassa tarjolla myös livemusiikkia!

Tervetuloa nauttimaan illasta!

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Board 2022 Application
to Oct 30

Board 2022 Application

  • 4 Levonsgatan Vasa, , 65200 Finland (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

VES is yet again looking for new entrepreneurial-minded board members to take on the challenges and all the fun that 2022 brings!

The application period starts on 11.10, and ends 30.10.

Any university student in Vaasa can apply and the application can be sent through the following link: Board application form

The application can be in Finnish, Swedish or English. All applicants will be called to interviews, which are arranged already during the application period and the latest on week 44. The Chairman candidates will additionally be interviewed in the traditional Chairman grill, where we will vote for the VES Chairman of 2022.

You will find board role presentations here!

2022 board positions:



Partnership Manager


Marketing & Communication Manager

Project Manager

Head of Harvest (project manager)

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5:00 PM17:00





a festive social gathering

Etymology: The word first came to be synonymous with “party” in 1901, when “on a bash” was a popular slang phrase.

Do you want to have a beer, snacks and one heck of a good time (and of course know more about VES)? Get your a** to our HQ on the 16th of September starting at 17:00. Come to chill and enjoy the great company while grabbing some drinks and snacks! This event is open for all students in Vaasa area, but especially for a newbie students (whether a new fuksi or fuksi at heart).

Pay 2 €, includes the VES badge and our free snacks and drinks. Limited number of participants

Register here: KIDEAPP LINK

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Vappu Game Night by VES
7:00 PM19:00

Vappu Game Night by VES

  • 4 Levonsgatan Vasa, , 65200 Finland (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ready for a game night? Vappu is coming and we are ready to tune in to the atmosphere! On Tuesday the 27th of April VES organize an event in zoom, where you can join others and play 3 different games in 3 different break-out rooms (20min per game). You have chance to win overall-batches on those game rooms! The evening culminates in one big quiz game, where you can win VES HQ rent for one Friday of your choice this year (Value 110€)!!

Ticket sale on kideapp 2€/person: https://kide.app/events/8cb524e3-8f98-44a2-be03-316bd02a502f

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Application to Head of Harvest '21
to May 10

Application to Head of Harvest '21

  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you our next Head of Harvest?

WHAT? A project management position for the biggest student event in the  area


You will gain valuable experience in project management and event planning, you will get to build a team of volunteers, you will gain new contacts and network with companies from the region, You will also get to join the VES board


Send a free-form application to board@ves.fi by 10.5

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EqualiTech 2021 Part 2: Tech, Equality and the Nordics
9:00 AM09:00

EqualiTech 2021 Part 2: Tech, Equality and the Nordics

An online seminar inspired by the themes of diversity and inclusion in the technical fields, organized by VES and our partners.

The event is aimed at professionals either working in tech or interested in opportunities in tech. The day will include interesting speeches, networking, and multiple workshops related to current themes in the field. The event will be streamed on Youtube.

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VES x Kanvas: Launch 2021
4:00 PM16:00

VES x Kanvas: Launch 2021

Vuoden 2021 ensimmäinen tapahtuma on ulkona!

Tule mukaan kuuntelemaan Ukko Kumpulaisen (Ukko.fi) ja Meri-Tuuli Laaksosen (Gubbe.io) tarinat yrityksen perustamisesta, Hanna Takalan vinkit asiantuntijabrändin rakentamisessa, sekä Jethro Rostedtin opit yrittäjyyteen ja myyntityöhön.

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